С начала вторжения Вооружённых сил Украины в приграничье Курской области специалисты Российского Красного Креста продолжают помогать жителям этого региона
The main idea of the text is that the Russian Red Cross (РКК) has successfully reunited almost 1400 families in the Kursk region separated due to the ongoing conflict. Through their "Family Ties Restoration" service, they've processed thousands of requests for finding missing loved ones.
The Red Cross urges anyone still searching for relatives to contact their hotline for assistance.
The main idea of the text is that the Russian Red Cross (РКК) has successfully reunited almost 1400 families in the Kursk region separated due to the ongoing conflict. Through their "Family Ties Restoration" service, they've processed thousands of requests for finding missing loved ones. The Red Cross urges anyone still searching for relatives to contact their hotline for assistance.